Agriculture & Natural Resources

Agriculture & Natural Resources
Hay Exchange Information:
Please click here in order to view information about people seeking or selling hay.
If you have hay to sell or are looking to buy, contact us with as much detail as possible (How many bales? What size? What grass or legume species?), and hopefully those connections can be made here.
Mountain Zooms:
We are excited that our Mountain Zoom Series will now be a partnership among six Extension offices: Harlan and Letcher County in Kentucky, Johnson County in Tennessee, Jackson and Swain County in North Carolina and Wise County. Check back for information on upcoming mountain zooms. All zoom sessions begin at 6:00 pm.
Mountain Zooms on the Wise County Extension YouTube Channel
If you were not able to attend a mountain zoom, feel free to visit the Wise County Extension YouTube channel at Previous mountain zooms have been recorded and posted here. Be sure to subscribe to the channel!
For more information on any of these programs or events, contact Extension Agent, Phillip Meeks at or visit the Virginia Cooperative Extension- Wise County Facebook page to learn more.